Do you want to check your child's grades?
Most ACES schools will publish student grades in Power School. If your child’s school does this and you are looking to check your child’s grades or to see what assignments are missing or late, be sure to create an account in the Power School Parent Portal.
How do you do this?
Before you create an account make sure that you have received a letter from your school providing you with your student Access ID and Password. If you do not have this information, then you will not be able to create an account. Please call your school to request this information.
Go to
Click on the Create Account tab, then the Create Blue Button

You will need the following information to create an account:
Name - Your first and last name
Email - Student notifications and correspondence related to your parent account will be sent to this email
Desired Username - Your username is your unique PowerSchool identity
Password - Your password must be at least 8 characters long
Student Access Information - Information for a minimum of one student, including the student name, Access ID, Access Password, and your relationship to the student
If you have more than one child you will need an Access ID and Password for each. When you go to create an account you will see that there is space to add more than 1 child.
If you are having difficulty creating this account, please submit a service ticket or call your school for further assistance.