Chromebook - Free Up Storage Space


Do I really have storage space on my Chromebook?

.Yes you have some storage space...not a lot.  If your Chromebook is running low on storage space, we recommend deleting files you don't need anymore. There is approximately 20 GB of storage space on a Chromebook.

Check how much storage is being used

  1. At the bottom right, select the time.
  2. Select Settings Settings.
  3. In the "Device" section, select Storage management.

Here, you’ll see how much storage space is left on your device, and how much space is being used by:

You can delete a file by pressing  ALT + Backspace.(there is no Delete button on a Chromebook)

Errors you’ll see when you’re running out of space

If you're almost out of disk space, a message will say, "Device is low on space: Free up space or select data may be automatically deleted."

You might also have problems with:

  • Downloading files
  • Loading webpages
  • Changing or saving settings, like passwords
  • Adding new user accounts to your Chromebook
  • Using Android apps

Free up storage space

If your Chromebook is slow or running out of disk space, try the following fixes to free up space:

Remember, if your Chromebook runs low on space, it might automatically delete your downloaded files, browsing data, cache, or unused accounts.

See also




Article ID: 115866
Wed 9/9/20 11:33 AM
Thu 3/14/24 1:28 PM