ClassLink - An Easy Way to Get to Your Apps and Programs

Tags ClassLink

Have you noticed a new start up page on your Chromebook?

What is ClassLink?

If you have noticed a new startup screen with a dozen or so icons on your child's Chromebook, that screen is Class Link. It is an easy way to access all the programs and applications that are needed for learning at ACES. The page is specific to the school so each student will only see the icons for the programs and applications that they are using in their school.

1 Student Sign In

Sign in with Microsoft - use your ACES Username and Password.

2. The ClassLink LaunchPad

This screen shows all the programs and applications that students will use in their learning at ACES. Again, it is customized to each school.

When using ClassLink for the first time students might need to enter their ACES Username and Password for each of these icons. That will only need to be done upon the initial setup. After that students will be able to click on the icon and proceed directly to the program.


3. Some Options...

Students are able to change a few things on the LaunchPad like the theme, the app size, and font style. They can also make folders to store similar apps together

There are three icons on the bottom of the screen - My Backpack, My Files, My Analytics.

Backpack - each of your child's teacher will have a backpack and might fill it with announcements, discussions, or apps

Files - this will take your child to their Google Drive page

Analytics - this section will give login history and a summary of the apps that were used for the week, month, and school year

That's easy way for students to get to all their apps and programs.